Be part of the #IStandWithNeetu and the GEETA documentary outreach campaign by contributing to our Australian-wide community screening and workshop initiative. Your donation via the Documentary Australia Foundation will allow us to organise event screenings and take our film to hard to reach audiences across Australia and the world.
This extraordinary story of two women finding their voice and strength after a horrendous tragedy and the impact their homegrown movement for change has had not only on their own family but in India and across the world, is a film that transcends boarders and cultures. In it's most simplest form it is a story of one mother fighting for the rights of her three daughters to live in a world that is equal and safe. It reminds us that grassroots change often starts with one person who at great personal cost to themselves will strive to make the world a better place.. Linked in with the lunch of Geeta and her daughter Neetu's global #IStandWithNeetu campaign, both the film and the campaign strive to mobalize
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation via Documentary Australia Foundation (DAF) to help us bring the film to wider audiences, we are able to give you a tax deductible receipt for any donation over $2. Every single dollar will help!
"By giving to social change documentaries, your philanthropy can become more effective and the impact of your giving more measurable and sustainable. You will see the effects of your philanthropy spread far beyond your initial act of giving, as the documentaries you help fund go on to produce tangible, positive and long-lasting social outcomes." (Documentary Australia Foundation)
8 ways you can help us make a difference
Go to the cinema to watch the film with your friends.
Talk about the film on social media, where it's screening, share our trailer and let people know why this film really matters!
Talk about the issues raised in our film with those around you to nurture compassion, acceptance, equality and love within our global communities.
Host a screening in your own community, organisation or network, using our host a screening package.
Buy a screening license and use our film to fundraise for a like-minded cause to create grassroots change.
Donate to our social impact campaign via Documentary Australia Foundation (DAF) to enable us to launch an Australian-wide community tour and ensure the messages within GEETA are shared.
Create an “On Demand” event to bring the film to a cinema near you. This is helpful for anyone living outside major cities where the film may not screen through traditional distribution platforms. All you need is 50 people willing to buy a ticket to the screening for the event to go ahead. This option will be available in mid 2019.
Lobby your local Member of Parliament and leaders in the prevention of family violence so every woman and child can feel safe in their own homes.